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MAA Paint the Town - More than an art show

This weekend is exciting for local artists in the greater DC area. The Montgomery Art Association is hosting its annual three-day Paint the Town Art Show at the Kensington Armory.

This event is extra special to me and my family on a personal level. It’s part of the fabric of our lives as residents of the Town of Kensington, MD.

Not to sound cliche, but I really do pinch myself over how fortunate we are to live life in this town, which is just a short bike or train ride from Washington, DC. Over the past 20 years, hand-in-hand strolls with my husband through the charming neighborhood streets evolved into pushing strollers, then chasing after toddlers on sidewalks, and now social time out with the dog while our growing kids play basketball at the local parks, cycle along Rock Creek, and meet friends for smoothies and Slurpies.

Our daughter walks toward the Carriage House on the Historic Warner Mansion priority.

Time sure does pass but there are some things that stay consistent. This Paint the Town Art Show happening over long Labor Day holiday weekend in the Kensington Armory is one of those things!

Before I started painting almost 5 years ago, my family and I would visit the show annually after the Town of Kensington Labor Day Parade. I would marvel over the hundreds of paintings and prints in the bins, wondering how all of these local artists could be so full of creativity and inspiration. These were regular people who made time in their lives to pursue a passion. Truly inspiring!

This particular show certainly inspired me to take the leap into painting and working as an artist myself. This is now the 5th year since participating in the event as an artist - showing and selling my own work, winning a few prizes, and enjoying a supportive arts community.

What a warm welcome MAA gives to its members. The leaders and volunteers work tirelessly and do so with community and arts appreciation as their top priority.

I look forward to participating once again this year. Please come visit this fabulous show, which will feature roughly 500 works from at least 175 artists. Bring your family for music, art, demos, and festivities. Above all bring an openness for inspiration!